Promise: A declaration that something will, or will not be done, given, etc.
Declaration: That which is declared or proclaimed; announcement; distinct statement; formal expression, avowal.
Proclamation: Something that is proclaimed; a public and official announcement.
Announcement: The act of making known publicly.
Lately during my devotions "God's promises" have been a reoccurring topic. I haven't realized quite yet if God is teaching me something, or if He wants to use me to encourage someone. Well, I think it's both. A couple of weeks ago our pastor talked about God's promises and how there is a process you go through before you get to the payoff...
...and how God's promises to us never change or will go away, however you might have to go through a grueling process to receive the remarkable payoff He has promised you. I am currently doing a Beth Moore bible study on David and yesterday it talked about this topic and she used Romans 4:20-22 to explain it. Man these verses are perfect:
"20Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. 22This is why "it was credited to him as righteousness."
We are seen as righteous when we believe and have faith that God has the power to perform and carry through all the promises He has made us! If you're going through a valley or through some dark areas in your life...hold on! There is a light at the end of the tunnel and even though you may not see it right this moment, it's there and it's coming! Stay faithful because in the end you will be seen as righteous in the eyes of God when you receive your payoff! God's promises are meant to be made public. He has made declarations of mercy and love for you and He wants you to accept those things and make it known to the public that you are loved by the God of this Universe! Do not let the temptations of "unbelief", "doubt", and "impatience" enter into your thoughts...they could delay God's blessings in your life. Instead fill your minds with hope and perseverance...long for a heart of obedience and patience. God's promises are true, you just have to be faithful and believe.
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
2 days ago
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