Can I just tell you that the past 5 days have been a whirlwind here at the house. Let me brief you...
Wed (12:30pm)-out with the hubby because we had a random "snow day"
Wed (3:45pm)-throwing up in Adam's car
Wed (4-7pm)-throwing up in our bathroom
Wed (7:30pm)-fainted in our bathroom...Adam called 911
Wed (7:38pm)-a fire truck and paramedic show up
Wed (8-11pm)-more throwing up in our bathroom
Thurs (8am)-wake up not feeling nauseous
Thurs (9am-8pm)-slept
Fri (8:30am)-wake up to the sound of Adam throwing up
Fri (9am-2pm)-Adam throwing sleeping and being the nurse
Sat (9am-10pm)-layed around and watched HGTV all day
That brings us to today. Today has been the closest day to normal for us in the past 5 days. We successfully ran a couple of errands and are now watching the Pro Bowl on the couch. I tell you all this not to have a pity party for us, but to tell everyone to be thankful for their health! It sounds cliche, but believe NEVER want to go through what Adam and I went through within the past couple of days!
Shout out to Mom and Dad #2 for helping us out and another shout out to my Mom for the beautiful tulips! I'll leave you with a more pleasing picture to have in your mind...
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